Monday, October 24, 2011

Epic Fail Posters


  1. the one about " first sigh you fail as a parent" one, thats really racist to black people! i'm black and i don't appreciate the racist jokes.

    1. what makes you think its about black? it mite be that their drinking & acting dumb white or black So i see it as YOU & people like YOU that are racist & cant seem to GET OVER IT But lets look @ it this way was you a slave? was you alive in the 40s 50s & 60s? But wait lets look @ what the blacks have their own black music awards miss black america black oscar awards & black entertainment channel AKA B.E.T but you dont see the whites saying thats racist But i would bet my house that if whites made all that / white music awards miss white america white oscar awards & white entertainment channel AKA W.E.T.blacks would say thats racist So with that said GET OVER IT If anyone should be bit*hing is native americans white took their land from them so WE are the ones that should give them all their land back & ask if we can BUY the land from them So stop & think before you open your mouth about your easy life

    2. Why do you think they were drinking?? She's holding a bottle of water. And they don't look like they're doing anything out of place. I can't see any reason for the "fail as a parent" caption. As far as i see it's four white girls with 4 black dudes. So the maker of it was more than likely racist. I'm Irish so that's not drinking and acting dumb, that looks like a day out at the beach or something haha. Oh and "was you alive in the 40s 50s & 60s?", it's were. Were you alive in the 40's.. learn to speak before you rant

  2. Creeper, maybe you should be the one to stop and think before you open your mouth. First of all, if you're going to try and make a stupid ass reply, then at least use the correct grammar. Second of all, where in this picture do you see that they're drinking and acting dumb? The only girl that has a drink has water. And they're just sitting there smiling, not doing anything obnoxious. So yes, this is completely racist. I'm white and I still think that this is the dumbest picture ever and is probably completely offensive to black people. I'm sure Gabby didn't want to hear your stupid tangent (especially the part about Native Americans, which is completely unrelated) so next time just keep your mouth shut when someone is, understandably, upset by this picture. It's called being respectful. Which clearly you don't know anything about.

  3. guys...guys...oh!
    the picture says that our youth are acting out of irresponsibility and lack of goal in the life. they just get together to have fun... .
    we parents have failed to teach them how to live...because maybe we ourselves have not learned it through.

  4. It's open to interpretation. Who says the racism is about the white girls being with black men. What about if it's aimed at the black men for being with the white girls? Anti-racism is racist in itself as it only recognises racism when it is directed at ethnic minorities (or they assume it is directed at minorities) Creeper's argument may not be grammatically correct but it is valid. Racism only works one way and always has. It has been so long since black people were treated as second class citizens in the western world so I think it's long past time that racism stopped being blown out of all proportion. There are many worse forms of abuse in this world yet racism always gets media and do-gooders on their soapbox because appearing anti-racist makes you a "good person".
